"Worry is self-humiliation.
Trust is dignity.
To worry is to worship the world. To fall on your knees in dread and grovel before it.
To trust is to lift up your eyes and stand as tall as the heavens. To live with nothing else but the bond between God above and you below."
To worry is to worship the world. To fall on your knees in dread and grovel before it.
To trust is to lift up your eyes and stand as tall as the heavens. To live with nothing else but the bond between God above and you below."
"Ingrijorarea inseamna auto-umilire.
Increderea insemna demnitate.
Sa te ingrijorezi inseamna sa te inchini lumii. Sa ingenunchiezi cu spaima si umilinta in fata ei.
Sa te increzi inseamna sa iti ridici ochii si sa fii la fel de inalt ca si cerurile. Sa traiesti cu nimic altceva decat cu legatura dintre Dumnezeu si tine."
Rebbe, Rabbi M. M. Schneerson
4 comentarii:
Chiar crezi ca e posibil?
Da-mi si mie reteta !!!
E posibil ;) ... despre asta meditez acum. Insa mai trebuie sa coc gandurile astea ;))
Deosebita meditatie ..Thanks :*
Vreau sa fiu la fel de inalta ca si cerurile ;)
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