vineri, 27 iulie 2012

the oldest messianic hebraic establishment Etiopia

M-a impresionat foarte mult clipul ce l-am postat acum cateva zile despre Etiopia si m-am tot gandit la decaderea ce vine in urma neascultarii, a nerecunoasterii lui Dumnezeu in viata unui om si a unei natiuni. Numai ca nu in toata Etipia e viata de mahala cum nu toti romanii mananca lebede, fura, sunt lenesi si  ... mai stiu eu cum ...

Acum dimineata am descoperit un clip (la recomandarea cuiva) despre Etiopia.
Ethiopia is made up of Orthodox Jews, Orthodox Hebraic Christians, and Muslims, and they all live in harmony.

 The Ethiopian Orthodox Church is the OLDEST Hebraic Messianic establishment in the world.

Dates back to early 4th Century. 
They Kept HEBRAIC customs, and still do to date. It was in 6th & 7th Centuries when Westernized Christianity took root. 

The Westerners were not at first received by the Messianist in the East. 

However, after the West became the word power their newly MODIFIED religion dominated the world.

In more recent times, the Ethiopian believers have adopted a few Westernized Christianity customs.

 Ethiopia was not colonized by the West, thus, it is one of the very few African countries to keep their ancient customs.

Ethiopia's Ambassador to Israel rightly highlighted to the media that Ethiopia and Israel are two ancient, interconnected lands. 

In fact, these two historic lands have an amazing array of cultural legacies in common.

Jews in Ethiopia are blessed to hail from a country that has for centuries respected and venerated Jewish culture and tradition.

More than that, they are a people who have in fact preserved some lost ancient Jewish customs.


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